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Black Lives Matter? or ALL Lives Matter?

If you're a Christian and you can't hear black lives matter without feeling the need to respond with a criticism that "ALL LIVES MATTER," then crack open your bible and hit up Luke 15.

Don't have it handy? Let me summarize.

There are 100 sheep, but one goes missing. Jesus leaves the 99 and goes after the one.

The 99: "Baaaaahhhh But what about us? Don't we matter?

Jesus: Of course 99 you still matter, but you're not the ones in danger - The one is.

Just like that one sheep mattered to Jesus, Black Lives in America Matter to him.

All Lives mattering hasn't been the Question that Blacks are asking of Whites in the Black community, but Do Black Lives Matter?

“All Lives Matter Wasn’t the Question.” Of course all lives matter. The question was, “Do Black Lives Matter?”

And just so it's clear, in my community I don't just promote Black Lives in the Streets being killed by Police mattering.....I promote ALL BLACK LIVES MATTERING FROM WITHIN THE WOMB...

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