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Israel's Covenantal Dilemma and Making sense of the Return of Jesus Part 2

When Jesus died on the cross, He cried out, "It is finished!" In His death, Jesus did what previously seemed to be impossible. He secured the redemption of humanity and of the cosmos. Perhaps because of Jesus' well-known phrase, many people assume the cross fulfilled all of God's promises,  but this is NOT what the Bible teaches.

Biblically speaking, the cross did not fulfill all the promises of God - IT SECURED THEM.

Tragically, we have neglected much of what the Bible says about the fulfill-ment of God's promises. However, the full magnitude of what the cross accomplished is revealed in both what was fulfilled when Jesus died and what will be fulfilled in the events we refer to as the "end times."

God has staked His honor on His ability to fulfill specific promises, and the plan of redemption is not completed until these promises are fulfilled.

The Atonement was finished at the cross, but there is more to the story, that must be finished at His return.

God Is Deeply...

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