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Day 9 – 40 Days of Blowing the Shofar - God is Gone up with a Shout and the sound of a Trumpet


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40 Days of Blowing the Shofar

Day 9 – 40 Days of Blowing the Shofar

The traditional blessing as you blow the shofar is, "Blessed are You oh Lord …who commanded us to hear the voice of the shofar." Notice it’s not ‘who commanded us to blow the shofar.’ The heart of this teaching, is the blessing comes when we hear the sound of the shofar and it resonates in us. This will reconnect us spiritually to everything God is saying and calling us to do.

God has ascended on high with a shout, the Lord has ascended with the blast of a trumpet. Sing songs to God! Sing songs! Sing songs to our King! Sing songs! Psalm 47: 5-6 International Standard Version

Todays blowing of the Shofar comes from Psalm 47: 5. God has ascended on high with a shout, the Lord has ascended with the blast of a trumpet is speaking of God going up to defeat His enemies, and overthrow their kingdoms and establish His throne over all the kingdoms of the earth....

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