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A Perfect Climax to Perfect Heart May - And a recap of an AMAZING week

Thank You for joining this months Perfect Heart May Solemn Assembly of Prayer. If you missed any part of this great week keep reading below. If you joined us and you haven't already sown, please consider giving an offering into this amazing week. (see summary below)

It was truly an Awesome week as we prayed and fasted for the Perfect Heart, to be able to be wholly and completely devoted to God and one another in Christ.

We accessed grace to heal the racial divide, political divide, and marriage divides in the body of Christ, with each night and with each speaker (You can watch each session or choose any one session to watch on the When You Pray, Say group page link below)

Our Guest Speakers

Shout out to; Harvey Hook of Convene Columbus, Mark Hampton, Author of, Dr. Jeffrey Billingsly of Worship Center International Church, and Will Ford of 

GRACISM OVER RACISM - Grace Gift to Heal the Race Rift

This month we focused on the Perfect Heart...

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TONIGHT - PERFECT HEART MAY - Pt2 Discussion on Race & Racism with Mark Hampton


Last night in Perfect Heart May, Mark Hampton gave one of the most insightful teachings and discussion on race and racism Ive ever heard. We're doing it again, and you don't want to miss it

TONIGHT at 7pm PART 2 of a Conversation on Race and Racism with Mark Hampton - Author of book White Papers

Mark is a husband of thirty-four years, a father of two and a grandfather of four. He is a gifted jazz musician and believe or a not, a pastor.  Mark enjoys running, hiking and working-out with his beloved wife Niki. Mark is a devout family man who makes his family his greatest priority in life and enjoys spending with them.
Whitepapers was created as a forum for engagement to raise your racial IQ, build your cultural confidence and help you be more influential. Author Mark Hampton wrote the book whitepapers The Black Book for White Americans to improve race...

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Perfect Heart May -TONIGHT Mark Hampton - Author of book White Papers



In Perfect Heart May were dealing with Urban Justice, racial healing & reconciliation. We're going to focus on one of the 12 Dimensions of the Heart of God - The Perfect Heart.  


Mark Hampton - Author of book White Papers

Mark is a husband of thirty-four years, a father of two and a grandfather of four. He is a gifted jazz musician and believe or a not, a pastor.  Mark enjoys running, hiking and working-out with his beloved wife Niki. Mark is a devout family man who makes his family his greatest priority in life and enjoys spending with them.
Whitepapers was created as a forum for engagement to raise your racial IQ, build your cultural confidence and help you be more influential. Author Mark Hampton wrote the book whitepapers The Black Book for White Americans to improve race relations.

Friday Special Guest Speaker and Author of the Dream King...

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Biblical Justice is more than innocence or guilt it's also Truth coming to light

Just recently, a young man in my home town was shot in the back three times, accused of having waved a gun at the plain clothes officer.  The problem with this accusation is that the young man had subway sandwiches in one hand, and a key opening the door to his house in the other hand. 

There's no justification for shooting anyone in the back, when there's no threat to the officer's life and the accused is not endangering the life of another, even if he's in the process of criminal behavior, which was not the case with this young man.   Justice in this situation deals with the truth coming to light and the process of the unnecessary use of force used by law enforcement against certain people groups being condemned and rectified.

In the summer of 2020 in Wisconsin, another young man, Jacob Blake, was shot in the back 7 times and paralyzed, but this time there was video evidence of him discarding the orders of the police to put his hands up and surrender. 


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How I got free from the Political Narrative of Racism

Racism is often politicized and misappropriated as bigotry or as prejudice, or as racial bias or even racial hatred. While these all are egregious characteristics of racism, they are not racism. None of these are racism.  Racism is power struggle between races, for resources, power, and the control of the narrative of another people group. The ultimate expression of racism carried to it’s destructive and evil end is the complete annihilation and elimination of another people of group.  The purest expression of that form of racism is what Margaret Sanger did with Planned Parenthood, setting an organization in place to eliminate the undesirables from society.  Black people, of course was lumped into that category of undesirables.  Another expression of racism in recent history was Hitler in the Nazi Germany era eliminating the Jews. Both Margaret Sanger and Adolph Hitler were the epitome of a racists. 

Racism at its purest expression is the elimination...

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Mar 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well do ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your tradition 13… making void the word of God by your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things ye do.

By the time I was born in 1966 legislated segregation and discrimination of the races had been outlawed in our society. That’s not to say that there still weren’t discriminatory factors in the system set up to hold me back. Though institutionalized discrimination and racism is real, I do not believe this is what’s holding African-Americans from God’s full purpose and destiny for their lives. We must get to the root of racism and discrimination to really get free from the chains that still bind us today. Journey with me as I unpack what I believe has many African-Americans still in chains in the 21st century even though legal race-based slavery and segregation was done away with in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Once the vehicle and...

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If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Joh 8:36

One of the most overlooked purposes of Christs' first appearing, that most believers in the body of Christ aren't aware of is that one of the missions of His incarnation was to set His people free from religious bigotry, racism and religious tradition.

One of the earliest examples of racism in modern History (A.D.) actually began with religion. And one of the strongest statements for racial reconciliation was actually spoken by Jesus Christ Himself dealing with religious exploitation in God’s house of prayer in the New Testament in Mark 11:17.

Jesus Christ uttered one the most profound statements about the inclusion of all racial groups in his house of prayer, quoting from Isaiah 56:7, when He said, “My house shall be called of ALL NATIONS the house prayer.” but you made it a den of thieves. The word, “All Nations” is the Greek...

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Reconciliation BEFORE Reparations

Watch this FB-LIVE on Reconciliation BEFORE Reparations

After the civil war and the release of the slaves the era of reconstruction and the promise of land, and that which the slaves would need to live and make a living was revoked....our ancestors were never given that which they were promised in reconstruction...but not only that, but after 400 years of building this nation we weren't even given the rights and freedoms of the constitution...ALL THE WAY UP TO MY LIFETIME.

It wasn't until 1963 and the Civil rights bill that we began to be given the freedoms and rights as full citizens...all the way from 1863...And while God has graced us America has never really acknowledged or made any attempt to compensate the descendants of the slaves for all the inequities of these hundreds of years since the declaration of Independence declared us ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE WITH LIBERTY & JUSTICE FOR ALL.

I don't believe this discussion should be a political football tossed around...

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What Blacks and Whites in America Believe about Racism and Why


Decoding the Issues

 Sitting down at the table of Brotherhood…MLK. Jr

I want to tell you a true story about an all-night train ride. But I’m going to put it on a bus. So we’re on this all-night 14 hour bus ride from destination A to Z, and every seat is taken on the bus except 5 seats, and you get on the bus, and now every seat is taken but 4 seats that are for a father and his 3 children.  The father comes right down the aisle and sits down right in front of you by the window and he starts staring out the window.  The bus doors close, and the children don’t sit down with the father, instead as you sit back and close your eyes and everybody sits back, with their eyes shut to try to get some sleep, suddenly the bus takes off, and as the bus starts slowing down, one of the kids screams and then the others scream and they run by and keep running back and forth, and suddenly there’s chaos. These kids are out of control.  Then...

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The Two America's and the Discussion of Reparations

The discussion of reparations is not a discussion that should be attributed to White people owing Black people money, but of AMERICA, a nation that was built upon the backs of Slaves, acknowledging that it never compensated her slaves or their descendants for raping them from their land, with millions never surviving the journey through the middle passage and being thrown overboard or jumping into the sea.

Then being bought and sold as property, taken and forced into uncompensated labor, being considered as property, not people, raping their women, tearing apart their families, keeping them from learning and providing for their own survival and well-being for hundreds of years, producing generations of thing-oriented human beings, then releasing these brain washed ancestors of ours, only after she (America), was forced to do so, by the outcry of the decency and human sentiment of the few abolitionists, and eventually a whole army of northern soldiers, eventually emancipating...

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